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Thursday, August 23, 2012

None Bulan Ini: Laura Harris Blessed to Be a Part of Abnon Jakpus

Earlier this year, I wrote on my personal blog that I'm looking forward to achieve something - be it academic or non-academic - this year. Last April is when my wish came true: I enrolled in an Abang None Jakarta Pusat competition. It's a competition in search of the city's tourism and cultural ambassadors. 

After going through a group discussion in the first stage of the competition, followed by two interviews with the seven judges, I finally made it into one of the 30 finalists!

Beginning May 2 until May 24, I've been on the Jakarta - Bogor route, back and forth for the quarantine phase. 

During the quarantine phase, we were rehearsing a traditional Betawi dance, known as 'nandak,' fashion show (I know, right? I can't even believe I'm walking on a runway!), and the Abang-None parade. While doing these things, we also attended tutorial sessions with the judges and the seniors. I've learned many new things about the history of Jakarta, the Betawi culture, public speaking, marketing oneself, good governance and many more. 

The highlights:

On our first weekend as finalists, we (by 'we,' I mean all Abang-None finalists from 5 Jakarta municipalities and one district) participated in a record-breaking (MURI) flashmob event at Hotel Indonesia traffic circle. It was so much fun to dance with hundreds of people in one spot.

Few days later, the 30 Abnon Jakpus finalists, divided into three groups, performed a play, or in Betawi slang 'lenong,' in a Salute and Gathering Night at Hard Rock Cafe Jakarta. My team won and guess what we got for the main prize? A watermelon!

We also did a social service in a nearby kindergarten to interact with less-fortunate kids. But the most exciting moment was The Amazing Race! As it turned out, I'm that terrible when it comes to running. Don't fret, my team came in the 2nd place and won the 'Most Favorite Team.'

As for the final night, it was a blast. We all got so restless because of the excitement that's been stacking up inside. It didn't matter that my shocking-pick dress was incompatible with my skin color, or the fact that I stuttered when answering the question during the Q&A session. I had a great time, though!

Winning the 3rd place was a shocker. I didn't expect to continue to the provincial level (Abnon DKI Jakarta) at all! 

All in all it's been a great time. I'm so blessed to have this opportunity to meet brilliant fellow contestants (the judges and seniors, too!) and to make new connections with people from diverse backgrounds.

Thank you everyone for the support, the prayers and the mentoring. You guys are the icing to my cupcakes! x

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